
Friday, September 20, 2013

Think Pink: Pink Panther Nails

 Hello, everyone!
When I was doing my Raggedy Ann nails, I noticed that the MJ XVI plate also had an image of the Pink Panther!  I was inspired by that and by all of your kind comments on the rag doll nails to give it a go.  What a fun walk down memory lane!

Essie Fiji (of course!) is my base coat.  Our perplexed panther is a decal made with MJ XVI and Orly's Sweet Temptation, a gorgeous chrome pink, as the stamped outline.  I filled in the panther's eyes with Sally Hansen Butterfly Stroke and filled in his body with Pure Ice Love.  Once I transfered the decal from the stamper to the nail, I used a pin to dot his eyes and add his eyebrows in black.

I went with a full nail pattern from Cheeky Jumbo Plate European Romance.  I stamped with Sweet Temptation and filled in random squares with Love and with Kleancolor Holographic Pink.

I don't know if you remember the cartoons, but the fun part of the cartoons was watching the poor, unlucky Inspector trying (in vain) to catch the Pink Panther.  I decided to make foot prints and a magnifying glass (I have been dying to use that!) to incorporate that into the manicure.

I used Sweet Temptation and Cheeky CH27 for the foot prints.  I used the magnifying glass from Gals GA 47 and Milani Black Magic for the magnifying glass.

Well, Konaddicts, thanks for stopping in.  I noticed I have 86 followers now!  How did that happen?  Thank you!  I appreciate that you let me share my polish obsession with you!


  1. This is tha cutest thing ever!!! Not only is it my favorite color but you put that super cute pink panther and I love your index finger with the paws and magifying glass!! That is so creative! I love it!!

  2. I must say I do not like pink at all and do not own pink polishes in my stash. BUT, I love me some Pink Panther! LOL! It comes from my Mom buying me a life size one when I was a kid and I just adored that thing. I have the Pink Panther box dvd set and now have my children hooked. Cute Mani!

  3. Pink Panther, whoo! The paw prints and the magnifying glass are so amazing!


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