
Monday, September 30, 2013

Simply Polish: Sally Hansen Fuzzy Coat

Hey, everyone!
It's been a busy week, so I thought I'd take the opportunity to try out my bottle of Sally Hansen Fuzzy Coat Wool Knot.  

Here's the backstory - I was obsessed with this polish when it came out.  It's $8 a bottle - so I would mostly look longingly at the display and pass it by.  One day, I impulsively grabbed three bottles of it and made a rush for the register.  I figured I would thank myself later for it.  I was wrong.

I realized pretty quickly that if you don't find a nearly perfect match to the polish colors, something  I managed to find a perfect base for the blue, but the peach and lime are still sitting in the polish drawer with no matches.

Then, I noticed how weird the application is.  I had to blob it on to get the complete coverage I wanted, which isn't entirely unusual for a glitter polish, but it has this weird jelly-like consistency that took a long time to dry.  When it dried, it reminded me vaguely of spongy stuff that gym floors used to be covered with...yikes.

Finally - and here's the biggest thing - I don't think it looks fuzzy!  I'm not sure exactly what I was expecting - flocked nails without the actual flocking?  I don't know.  I guess it's just not as interesting as I thought it would be.  I imagine the peach and lime - if I ever were to find a good base for them - wouldn't have a lot of pizzazz since you probably barely notice the effect because of the lightness of the color.

Okay, so enough complaining from me.  What do you think?  Have you tried this polish?  Am I being too hard on it?  Has anyone had a "total win" with it?

**** Oh - as a WONDERFUL side note - since this post could use some good news - the newest set of Bundle Monster plates are available and they're only $16.50 for 26 plates!!!  What?!

Friday, September 20, 2013

Think Pink: Pink Panther Nails

 Hello, everyone!
When I was doing my Raggedy Ann nails, I noticed that the MJ XVI plate also had an image of the Pink Panther!  I was inspired by that and by all of your kind comments on the rag doll nails to give it a go.  What a fun walk down memory lane!

Essie Fiji (of course!) is my base coat.  Our perplexed panther is a decal made with MJ XVI and Orly's Sweet Temptation, a gorgeous chrome pink, as the stamped outline.  I filled in the panther's eyes with Sally Hansen Butterfly Stroke and filled in his body with Pure Ice Love.  Once I transfered the decal from the stamper to the nail, I used a pin to dot his eyes and add his eyebrows in black.

I went with a full nail pattern from Cheeky Jumbo Plate European Romance.  I stamped with Sweet Temptation and filled in random squares with Love and with Kleancolor Holographic Pink.

I don't know if you remember the cartoons, but the fun part of the cartoons was watching the poor, unlucky Inspector trying (in vain) to catch the Pink Panther.  I decided to make foot prints and a magnifying glass (I have been dying to use that!) to incorporate that into the manicure.

I used Sweet Temptation and Cheeky CH27 for the foot prints.  I used the magnifying glass from Gals GA 47 and Milani Black Magic for the magnifying glass.

Well, Konaddicts, thanks for stopping in.  I noticed I have 86 followers now!  How did that happen?  Thank you!  I appreciate that you let me share my polish obsession with you!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Raggedy Ann Patchwork Nails

Hi, everyone!
Do any of you remember Raggedy Ann and Andy?  I remember them!  I've had the idea for this design in the back of my mind for a while - I just never quite got a chance to try it out.  Well, with a season of The Closer on DVD, I decided I would sit down with my polishes to see what I could come up with.

The lovely L'Oreal Walk on the Beach is my base color.  I used Konad Special in Black and plate A48 for the patchwork stamp.  I filled in the patches using a nail brush with Milani Sail Away and the gel-like Sally Hansen Royal Red Creme.  To add a little variety, I dotted some of them with NYC French White Tip.  

The adorable Raggedy Ann design is from the MJ XVI plate (I think I purchased mine from Etsy).  I could not color her "within the lines", but I tried, using the lighter Wet n Wild Red Red and the more sheer Sinful Midnight Blue.

I can't decide whether my Raggedy Ann came out cute or a little bit creepy - or maybe some of both! - but I'm enjoying this little trip down memory lane all the same.

Thanks for stopping by, Konaddicts!  I hope your week is off to a great start!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Nailasaurus Waterfalls

Hi, everyone!
I've been watching the evolution of Sammie at Nailasauraus's Waterfall nails.  Wow, they're just stunning!  When she posted a tutorial, I decided I would give the style a try.  You start with a base color (in this mani Sally Hansen Mint Sorbet) and paint in the lines in varying colors with a long nail brush. 

I used five different colors for the lines: Sinful Mint Apple, SH Insta Dri Blue Blast, Sinful Midnight Blue, SH The Real Teal, and the very beautiful metallic Nicole Mer-Maid for Each Other.

The execution wasn't as difficult as I imagined it would be.  I think the trick is a steady hand (obviously not me!), a good brush, and an eye for color (okay, that's a couple of tricks!).  I think it's the color selection that really sends the design over the top - have your seen Sammi's Fiery Waterfall? ...sigh.... Polish genius!

So...what do you think?  Is this style on your To Do list?

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Pink Kissses

Hello, everyone!
Are you ready to start a new week?  I know I'm...not.  Well, there's nothing like a fun mani to get the week going (at least that's what I'm hoping!).

For this mani, I decided to use my absolute favorite design - this simple little weave from BM 21.  This is my favorite "full nail" pattern.  I don't know if I have a sentimental attachment - since it was the first plate set I bought - or whether I just like the look.  Of course, Bundle Monster was new at the game, too, so the design is small and you have to do some finagling to get it to cover your entire nail.  Anyway, I love this pattern and I rarely use it, so I decided that today would be the day.

I wanted to jazz it up a bit, so I decided to stamp it over a pink gradient.  I used Sally Hansen Insta Dri Pink Blink and Milani Cherry Pie.  I stamped my BM 21 pattern using L'Oreal Violet Vixen.

I wanted to add something else.  At this point, I usually go with a flower.  I decided to try something new (for me!) and decided to go with kisses.  These lip smacks are from BM 02 (I was on a BM roll!) using Konad Special White.  I couldn't resist testing the "Kiss" phrase from Cheeky 27, so I decided to add that as well.  You can't see it perfectly, but it's fun to know it's there.

Well, Konaddicts, thanks for reading!  I'm hoping you have a week full of love!

Tell me, what patterns top your "all time favorite" list?